Coding Projects by Abdur Rehman

Capstone Project

Students have to perform various operations on the given dataset using basic libraries used in Data Science - Numpy, Pandas, Seaborn, and Matplotlib.

Advanced Plots

Students have to visualize various parameters of the given dataset using the Advance plots of the Seaborn library.

Visualisation using Seaborn

Students have to work on visualizing various parameters of the given dataset using the Seaborn library.

Visualisation using Matplotlib

Students have to work on visualizing various parameters of the given dataset using the Matplotlib library.

Operations using Numpy

Students have to perform different operations on an array using NumPy

Manipulation using Pandas

Students have to perform manipulation on given data using Pandas

Rock Paper Scissor App

Write a Python program to create an application to play a rock paper scissor game between a user and the computer, using the Python Tkinter library.

Password Strength Checker App

Write a Python program to create an application that accepts a password from the user and displays its strength based on the length of the password using the Python Tkinter library.

Interest Calculator App

Write a Python program to create an application to take inputs of the principal amount, time period, and rate of interest from the user, and return the simple interest and compound interest on the same principle using the Python Tkinter library.

Length Converter App

Write a Python program to create an application length in inches as input from the user and return the value of that length in centimeters using the Python Tkinter library.

Age Calculator App

Write a Python program to create an application to take the date of birth (date, month, and year) as input from the user and return the present age using the Python Tkinter library.

Here’s the product

Write a Python program to create an application to take two numbers as input from the user and return the product using the Python Tkinter library.