HPE CodeWars 2024 Hackathon
Hewlett Packard Enterprise

HPE CodeWars 2024 Hackathon

Hosted by Hewlett Packard Enterprise


03:30 AM CUT, Feb 15, 2024


06:29 PM CUT, Apr 15, 2024


Upto 3 members



প্রতিযোগিতা শেষ হয়েছে।.


Check your rank here


All eligible entries have been evaluated and ranked here. Should you have any concerns, please write to competition-support@codingal.com.  


Watch the Felicitation Ceremony here


View the Felicitation Ceremony deck here 






Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) in partnership with Codingal, the #1 coding platform for kids brings you HPE CodeWars 2024 Hackathon.


An online coding competition for grade 8-12 students to collaborate and innovate with the best minds. 


You can participate individually or as a team consisting of a maximum of 3 members.


You learn best when you work as a team. Teamwork helps enhance your leadership skills, problem-solving and creative thinking abilities. It enables you to enhance your communication skills with your peers and allows you to innovate through cross-collaboration.


If you choose to participate as a team, refer to this page's Team Participation Guidelines section for more details.



  • Participate individually or as a part of a team. 
  • Team members - Maximum of 3 members.
  • Platforms- Java, CSS, Python, HTML & JavaScript


Important Dates and Time

  • Coding hackathon start date: Feb 15, 2024| 9 AM IST
  • Last date for project submission: Apr 15, 2024 | 11:59 PM IST
  • Virtual ceremony for result announcement: Apr 28, 2024 | Time: 4:15 PM IST


Start building innovative projects and have lots of fun along the way!


How to prepare for Hackathon


Free 1-hour mentoring session: Book Now

Themes and Projects

The UN SDGs tackle some of the most pressing challenges facing our planet, from ending poverty and hunger to promoting sustainable cities and combating climate change. Now, it's your turn to be a part of the solution!

Here's how it works:
1. Choose one of the 17 UN SDGs that resonates with you the most.
2. Brainstorm ideas for a game, app, or website that addresses the goal you've selected. Your game can help people learn more about the SDGs or sensitise them to take action. 
3. Get creative! Design and develop your project using your skills in coding, design, storytelling, and more.
4. Submit your entry and showcase how your project contributes to achieving the SDGs and making the world a better place.

To know more about UN SGDs, visit https://sdgs.un.org/goals



How to register for the hackathon? 

  1. Click the "Register & Start" button on this page.
  2. Input your mobile number.
  3. Enter all the necessary information in the registration form.
  4. Click on the "Register for competition" button and you register for the competition.

Team Participation Guidelines


  1. You can form a team consisting of a maximum of 3 members. All the team members must register for the competition with their own phone number and email address.
  2. You can choose anyone as your team member including your friends, classmates, relatives, etc.
  3. Your team members should be in grades 8-12 only. 
  4. The team name is mandatory during project submission. So, if you are participating as a team, you need to come up with a cool team name and add it during project submission. 
  5. Every team can submit only one project. The final submission will be considered for evaluation by the judges.
  6. If you have formed a team and any team members drop out, you can submit your project individually.
  7. All team members should type the "same team name".


How to submit your project?

  1. After the completion of your project, visit this page to submit your project.
  2. Click on the “Register & Start” button. Then, input your mobile number and enter the OTP received via SMS.
  3. Later, click on the "Submit Project" button and fill in the below information:
    1. Are you submitting your Project as a Team or Individual? Select Team or Individual
    2. If you have selected "Team" enter your Team Name
    3. Enter the name of each of your team members in the given columns
    4. Enter the phone number of one of your team members. Ensure this number is reachable at all times
    5. Project Name*  (Any name of your choice for your project)
    6. Project Description* (Tell us something about your project)
    7. Project Link (Share the link of your project)
    8. Source Code (If the project is not made on an online platform)
    9. Upload Project File (You may upload any video, presentation, or screenshots that you would like us to see in zip file and not more than 50 MB; not mandatory)

       4. Click "Submit". You have submitted your project.

Judging Criteria

Originality: Your ability to think independently and creatively to build your project.


Uniqueness: This will be the X-factor in your project. The one thing that sets your project apart.


Code Quality: A code that fulfils your project’s requirements while being simple and readable.


User Interface (UI): The overall look and feel of your project includes how users can interact with it.


Video Submission: An informative and engaging way to present your ideas.


Who can participate?

Participation criteria 

  • Grade 8-12 students.
  • Grade 8 students who have passed or have given their final examination of Grade 8 in 2024 are eligible. 
  • Grade 7 students who have passed or have given their final examination in 2024 and enter Grade 8 are not eligible.
  • Grade 12 students who passed in 2023 or before are not eligible to participate in the competition. 
  • If Codingal detects plagiarism, you will be disqualified and not be eligible to claim your prizes.


Why do I need to register using a mobile number?
You are required to register via a mobile number as it is the primary source of identification for registration and project submission.
How to participate as a team in the competition?
You can form a team consisting of a maximum of 3 members. You can all ideate, create one project together and submit it for evaluation. 


How many members can a team have?
Up to 3 members


Should my team members be in grades 8-12 only?


Who can I form a team with?
You can form a team with anyone including your friends, classmates, relatives, etc.


Can I submit a project individually if any of my team members drop out?


Can I create and submit a project individually without being a part of a team?


Can I submit a project both as an individual and as a part of a team?
No. You can either submit your project individually or as a team member only.


Can an individual or team submit a project late?
Unfortunately, we do not accept any late project submissions. You must submit your project within the project submission deadline.


Is this competition online?
Yes, this competition is 100% online. The participant can work on their project at any place and time as long as they have access to a computer/laptop and an internet connection.


How much does it cost to enter into this competition?
There is no registration fee to participate in the competition.


What if I forget my registered mobile number while submitting the project?
In case, you forget your registered mobile number, you will have to re-register for the competition before submitting the project.


Will all the team members submit the project?
No. In case of team participation, one member of the team will have to submit the project only.


What if I entered the wrong information in one of the form fields while submitting my project?
If you have entered any wrong information in one of the form fields, kindly resubmit the project. Your latest submission will be considered for evaluation.


Will an older project be considered for evaluation?
No, any old or previous project will not be considered for evaluation.


Can I submit more than one project?
No. You can submit only one project per competition.


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