PNY Genius Pakistan Coding Competition 2022
PNY Genius, Pakistan

PNY Genius Pakistan Coding Competition 2022

Hosted by PNY Genius, Pakistan


07:00 PM CUT, Nov 30, 2022


06:59 PM CUT, Feb 26, 2023


1 member



প্রতিযোগিতা শেষ হয়েছে।.


Here is a fantastic opportunity for you to take part in Pakistan's largest coding competition for kids.


PNY Genius, Pakistan's leading IT institute for kids, and Codingal, the #1 coding platform for kids, bring you one of the largest online coding competitions for children in Pakistan, Pakistan Coding Competition 2022.


It's designed to inspire, motivate and engage grade 1-12 students to learn to code. Here is your opportunity to showcase your coding skills to an esteemed panel of judges, compete with your peers from around Pakistan, and win exciting prizes.


You can ideate, create an application, game, or website around a theme and compete with the best coders out there. So let your imagination have no limits. Start building innovative projects and have lots of fun along the way!


Important Dates


  • Registrations Begin: December 1, 2022


  • Registrations End: February 26, 2023


  • Project Submission Deadline: February 26, 2023


  • Results Announcement: March 11, 2023


The results of the PNY Genius Pakistan Coding Competition 2022-23 are out now— many congratulations to the winners and hearty wishes to all who participated.






Themes & Projects

The competition is divided into three groups. Students of different grade groups must choose any theme and build a project.


Grade 1-4 (Junior Group)


Theme 1 - Favourite Season!
Create an animation depicting your favourite season (summer/ winter/ rainy). Make your project enjoyable by adding sounds to it.

Platforms that can be used - / Scratch

Theme 2 - Animated Story!
Create an animated story that tells your favourite poem.

Platforms that can be used - / Scratch


Grade 5-8 (Middle Group)


Theme 1 - Fitness app!
Build a fitness app that can tell people different ways to stay fit and healthy. Please include a diet chart, the exercise they can do, etc. Feel free to add more information to make it more informative and unique.

Platforms that can be used - / Thunkable


Theme 2 - Shoot the Alien!
Humans have discovered a new planet, but aliens have invaded it. So you aim to shoot the aliens and make them disappear. You can also keep a score to track how many aliens you have shot.

A platform that can be used - Scratch


Grade 9-12 (Senior Group)


Theme 1 - App for the future!
Imagine a problem that the world will face in the future. Then, build an app that could help solve it. 

Platform to be used - Thunkable


Theme 2 - Fun with Python!
Write a program in python programming language that can count the number of vowels in a string.


How to register for the competition?


  • Click on the "Register & Start" button. A modal form will open. Enter your mobile number and grade/class.



  • Enter your details to complete the competition registration form.


Competition Registration Form


The following details are required-

  • Student's name
  • Email
  • City
  • Grade (by default, it will appear)
  • Mobile Number (by default, it will appear)
  • School Name


  • Click on the "Complete Registration" button. You are registered for the competition.

How to Submit your Project?


  • Once you have registered and finished your project, Go to the "PNY Genius Pakistan Coding Competition 2022" page on the Codingal website.
  • Click "Register & Start" and input your mobile number and grade/class
  • Click on "Submit Project" and fill in the below information:


  • Select your Group* Junior/Middle/Senior (Grade 1-4/ 5-8/ 9-12)
  • Select your Theme* 
  • Project Name*  (Any name of your choice for your project)
  • Development Platform* (Eg- Scratch, Thunkable, Repl, etc.)
  • Project Description* (Tell us something about your project in a few lines. 4-5 lines are essential for evaluation)
  • Project Link (Paste the Link of your project)
  • Upload Project File (Only If Applicable, and it should not be more than 50 MB)
  • Upload a zip file of screenshots/images of the app/website (Only If Applicable, and it should not be more than 50 MB)
  • Upload a zip file of screenshots/images of the source code of the app/website (Only If Applicable, and it should not be more than 50 MB)
  • Click "Submit," & your project is submitted.

* Mandatory fields

Book your free 1:1 mentorship session

Registering for this competition gives you access to a free one-on-one mentorship session with an expert computer science teacher. To avail, log on to


Is this competition online?
Yes, this competition is 100% online. The contestant can work on their project anywhere and time if they have access to a computer/laptop and an internet connection.


Who can participate in this competition?
Students from Grades 1-12 across Pakitan can participate in this competition. This competition is exclusive to Pakistan school students.


How much does it cost to enter this competition?
There is no registration fee to participate in the competition.


Can I submit projects late?
Unfortunately, we do not accept any late projects. All projects must be submitted by the project submission deadline.


What if I forget my registered mobile number while submitting the project?
If you forget your registered mobile number, you must re-register for the competition before submitting the project.


What if I want to resubmit the project for the competition?
Yes. You can resubmit the project five times. The latest or the last submitted project will be considered for evaluation.


I entered the wrong information in one of the form fields while submitting my project.
If you have entered the wrong information in one of the form fields, refresh the page before clicking on the "Submit Project" button at the bottom of the form.


Will the old project be considered for evaluation?
No, any old or previous project will not be considered for evaluation.


Can I submit more than one project?
No. You can submit only one project per competition.


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