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Conditional statements in Scratch programming
Fatima Z on February 25, 2023
Learn about conditional statements in Scratch programming and how many conditional blocks there are with examples and us...

Variables in Scratch for kids
Fatima Z on February 20, 2023
A thorough instruction on Scratch variables might aid in your child's development of coding abilities. Codingal makes le...

AP Computer Science Principles VS AP Computer Science A
Fatima Z on February 15, 2023
Learn the major difference between AP Computer Science Principles and AP Computer Science A. Computer Science is a dynam...

How to create a Snake game in Scratch
Fatima Z on February 10, 2023
Learn how to create a Snake game in Scratch and even customize it according to our liking. We will make this game using ...

Python project-How to build a basic calculator
Amit Dhanwani on February 5, 2023
Learn to build a Python project- a basic calculator that, based on the user's input, may add, subtract, multiply, or div...

How to create a Tic Tac Toe game in Java
Amit Dhanwani on January 23, 2023
Learn to create tic tac toe game in Java. It is one of the most popular two-player pen-and-paper games. Use two-dimensio...