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What is Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Payal Udhani on September 21, 2022
Object oriented programming is the structure and style of writing the code, which focuses more on the elements that are ...

How to create Space Invaders game using Python
Amit Dhanwani on September 21, 2022
Learn how to create Space Invaders game using Python. In the static shooting Space Invaders game, the player moves a las...

What are variables in Python?
Amit Dhanwani on September 10, 2022
What are variables in Python? Containers that store values are called variables in Python. Variables are only designate...

Dictionaries in Python
Amit Dhanwani on September 6, 2022
A dictionary is a composite data type offered by Python, a collection of items comparable to a list. Dictionary in Pytho...

Loops in Python
Amit Dhanwani on September 6, 2022
Loops are a powerful abstraction in Python. Iterative looping, which loops employ, helps us eliminate repetitive code. T...

Strings in Python
Payal Udhani on September 1, 2022
String in Python is a data type in which the programming language stores any data in a computer. Stings in Python are ar...