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9 Best Educational Websites for Kids to Learn Coding
Jagruti Bhargav on December 27, 2021
Choose your learning path with the help of these educational websites for kids to learn coding and start building their ...

7 Benefits of Learning Game Development for Kids
Jagruti Bhargav on December 22, 2021
Introduction Kids these days don’t only spend time in front of the idiot box. Parents need to fight much smaller...

Data Science for Kids: 5 Best Platforms to Get Started
Syed Kazmi on December 21, 2021
Introduction The era of data science is here. It is therefore imperative that we make sure our children are...

5 Benefits of Learning Scratch Programming for Kids
Priyanka Reddy on December 20, 2021
Introduction Scratch is a visual programming language that lets children create a wide range of projects, including...

Data Science for Kids: 5 Easy Tips to Get Started
Syed Kazmi on December 15, 2021
Introduction It is an undeniable fact that data is everywhere. With the advent of smartphones, the internet of...

7 Reasons Why Kids Should Learn Data Science
Syed Kazmi on December 10, 2021
Introduction Data science is a multidisciplinary field that has its roots in logic, statistics, math, and computer...