BFX Skillathon Android App Development
IIT (ISM) Dhanbad BeingArtifex

BFX Skillathon Android App Development

Hosted by IIT (ISM) Dhanbad BeingArtifex


06:00 AM CUT, Jul 02, 2021


06:30 AM CUT, Jul 06, 2021


1 member



Competition has ended.


IIT (ISM) Dhanbad and Naresh Vashisht Centre for Tinkering & Innovation (NVCTI) in partnership with Codingal is conducting BEINGARTIFEX SKILLATHON 2021 for Grade 6-10 students.


Objective of the Skillathon


BEINGARTIFEX SKILLATHON 2021 is the 1st learning cum competitive skillathon. The main aspect of the skillathon would be to make the students aware of the technology that is being used in the marketing, social and industrial fields so they can come up with innovative ideas hence helping to build up a skilled India 


In this event, the students will first learn the most basics of subjects they are interested in and will gradually dive deep into it as the skillathon continues, during the learning process they will come across various existing examples/projects, this will help the students to find a way of interest towards technology to enhance the efficiency of certain areas.






Eligibility Criteria

School students from Grade 6 to Grade 10 are allowed to participate in this Skillathon.

App Development Project Options

Indian Culture

The Indian culture varies like its vast geography. People speak in different languages, dress differently, follow different religions, eat different food but are of the same temperament. So whether it is a joyous occasion or a moment of grief, people participate whole-heartedly, feeling happiness or pain. A festival or a celebration is never constrained to a family or a home. The whole community or neighbourhood is involved in bringing liveliness to an occasion. Likewise,an Indian wedding is a celebration of union, not only of the bride and groom, but also of two
families, maybe cultures or religion too! Similarly, in times of sorrow, neighbours and friends play an important part in easing out the grief.

Problem Statement :

Design an Android app depicting the rich Indian Culture. Choose some Indian cultures and display pictures related to that particular culture and add some description.

Your app must have a home page and can have different pages, each related to a single culture.On each page, you must have a well detailed description of that culture like their traditional dressing style, popular foods , etc.You can include the about us page and contact us page and can give an option to go to thesepages from the Home page.



“The World Bank Group considers corruption a major challenge to its twin goals of ending extreme poverty by 2030 and boosting shared prosperity for the poorest 40 percent of people in developing countries.” In order to reduce corruption in India a group of young entrepreneurs took an initiative and decided to spread awareness and make people aware about corruption. They started an organisation named Corruption Free India (CFI). Now they want an android application that they can release to the play store to make the people aware about these activities. The application should be like as stated in the problem statement.

Problem Statement :

Design an Android app depicting the corruption activities happening in the country. Your app must have a home page showing small details of each corruption related activity. In other words your home page should be listed with all corruptions activities with title, description, image (if possible). When a user clicks on each corruption activity from the home page then he should be redirected to a page that must have a well detailed description of that activity like who is the culprit, when this occurred, where it occurred, etc. You can include the about us page and contact us page and can give an option to go to these pages from the Home page.

Small Business and Farmers

“ Agriculture remains the primary livelihood of most families in rural areas and suburban areas worldwide. Agricultural business is all about the production and marketing of agricultural  commodities through farming.”
Aditya Tiwari and Arjun Gupta started a company named ABC in 2020 in order to help small farmers, they provide technological assistance, seeds, pesticides and other farming tools at an affordable rate. to the farmers but the problem is that since they are new to the market many people don’t know about them therefore they think of advertising themself and they need a mobile application that they can advertise and motivate the people to download it. This application helps them to connect with the people. For advertisement they contact the BFXGraphics and Promotion team. They did their job well but now there is a need for an android application. Aditya calls you to help him. As a problem statement you have to come up with an Android application stated below.

Problem Statement :

Design an Android app depicting the product details that are available to the ABC company. Your app must have a home page showing small details of each product that ABC company sells. In other words your home page should be listed with all products with name, price, stock availability, image, etc. When a user clicks on any of the product from the home page then he should be redirected to apage that must have a well detailed description of that Product like name, price, stock availability, products left in stock, product image, expected delivery time, a button to order the product, a button to add the product to cart, list of similar products, warranty details, etc.You can include the user profile page and contact us page and can give an option to go to these pages from the Home page.


How to register for the competition?

There is a 2-level registration for the competition.


  1. Click on the "Start Now" button.
  2. When you click on the "Start Now" button, you will have to input your mobile number.
  3. Enter the below information in the registration form.


  • Student's Name
  • Grade
  • Email
  • Mobile Number
  • Parent Name
  • School Name
  • City

      4. Verify your mobile number through the OTP received on SMS.

      5. Click on the "Submit" button. You are registered for the competition.



How to Submit your Project?

  1. Once you have registered and finished your project, Go to the "BFX Skillathon Android App Development Competition" page on the Codingal website.
  2. Click "Start now" and input your mobile number & OTP number received on SMS
  3.  Click on "Submit Project" and fill in the below information:


  • Select your Project* 
  • App development Link (Share the Link of your app)
  • Uploade source code of the app/website in Google Form (It should not be more than 50 MB)
  • Upload a Video on your app
  • Upload a Presentation in Microsoft PPT format


       Click "Submit" & you are done.

Judging Criteria

1. How many features does your app have?
2. Have you completed the minimum requirements stated in the Problem statement?
3. How attractive is your app? or How good looking it is?
4. Have You explained the tech stuff that you have used in the PPT?
5. Does your PPT have all the things that we are looking for (explained earlier) ?

Tips for the Project

1. Try to complete the basic functionality of the problem statement you choose.

2. You are asked to make UI related stuff only and some java code.

3. You need not to set up a backend or database to make the application responsive. You can just show it as the prototype by making the complete UI of the app.

4. If you have completed the requirements of the problem statement just don’t leave the project making other screens and features thinking on your own.

5. You will get points for every feature you make.

6. You can go through this resource that helps you in every project. ( Link )


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