BFX Skillathon Robotics Competition
IIT (ISM) Dhanbad BeingArtifex

BFX Skillathon Robotics Competition

Hosted by IIT (ISM) Dhanbad BeingArtifex


12:00 PM CUT, Jul 02, 2021


06:30 AM CUT, Jul 06, 2021


1 member



Competition has ended.


IIT (ISM) Dhanbad and Naresh Vashisht Centre for Tinkering & Innovation (NVCTI) in partnership with Codingal is conducting BEINGARTIFEX SKILLATHON 2021 for Grade 6-10 students.


Objective of the Skillathon


BEINGARTIFEX SKILLATHON 2021 is the 1st learning cum competitive skillathon. The main aspect of the skillathon would be to make the students aware of the technology that is being used in the marketing, social and industrial fields so they can come up with innovative ideas hence helping to build up a skilled India 


In this event, the students will first learn the most basics of subjects they are interested in and will gradually dive deep into it as the skillathon continues, during the learning process they will come across various existing examples/projects, this will help the students to find a way of interest towards technology to enhance the efficiency of certain areas.






Eligibility Criteria

School students from Grade 6 to Grade 10 are allowed to participate in this Skillathon.

Problem Statements

Problem Statement Robotics 1:

A manufacturing company, ElectroBuilder, lacks the workforce to transfer its product from
one part of the facility to another part of the facility. Therefore, to overcome such delay, the
company requires a bot to pick different sized square steel boxes and place them at the
conveyor belt 2. These boxes go from the production chamber to conveyor belt 1 in a group
of five. However, on conveyor belt 2, the five boxes must be in sorted order to be loaded


The bot can follow a line that connects it to different parts of the facility.


The dimensions for boxes are (rxrxr) cm, where your r can be 1,2,3,4 or 5. As the boxes
come out directly from the production chamber, their temperature is above 50 degrees. It
would be best if you devised a mechanism to cool it down before picking it up.

Obstacle Avoidance

The bot should avoid every obstacle coming in its way.

Variable Speed

The facility has a chamber with minimum lights; therefore, the bot should move slowly in that
particular chamber to no one step on the bot.


Problem Statement Robotics 2:

A tech company hired you as a robotic engineer, it wants you to design Smart Home
such that as soon as a person enters or leaves the room the lights and fan
should turn on and off respectively. Also, it should contain an automatic gate that opens
automatically when an authorized person seeks entry. The temperature control for the room
should be comfortable as per requirements.

Unique Customisation for each individual

The room conditions like fan speed, number of lights, and temperature should be different for
each person who enters the room first.

Fire alarming system

For prevention of fire, the room must be designed with a system that first alarms the owner
and when the risk increases it should try to control the fire.

What to Submit for Final Project

First, you all need to submit the Script and code in the google form before 5th July midnight.

About Script:

1. It should contain the basic idea of the approach for overcoming all the difficulties in
the problem statement.
2. It should have all components used and its purpose in a tabular form only
3. The bot’s future development, i.e. anything that you want to add in future.
4. The total budget of the bot.

About Code:

1. Write the code in Arduino IDE or ArduinoDroid (mobile users) and send the saved
code in the google form.

Note: Participants whose Script and code get selected will need to give a presentation of their idea
and robot consisting of 12 slides maximum.


How to register for the competition?

There is a 2-level registration for the competition.


  1. Click on the "Start Now" button.
  2. When you click on the "Start Now" button, you will have to input your mobile number.
  3. Enter the below information in the registration form.


  • Student's Name
  • Grade
  • Email
  • Mobile Number
  • Parent Name
  • School Name
  • City

      4. Verify your mobile number through the OTP received on SMS.

      5. Click on the "Submit" button. You are registered for the competition.



How to Submit your Project?

  1. Once you have registered and finished your project, Go to the "BFX Skillathon Robotics Competition" page on the Codingal website.
  2. Click "Start now" and input your mobile number & OTP number received on SMS
  3.  Click on "Submit Project" and fill in the below information:
  • Select your Problem Statement* 
  • Google form link of code in Arduino IDE or ArduinoDroid (mobile users)


       Click "Submit" & you are done.


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