Coding Projects by Bhargav Venkat

Full Implementation of regression analysis

Students have to implement the regression analysis model using gradient descent and plot the graph accordingly.

Data Classification.

Students have to create a classification set after preprocessing the dataset given.

Regression analysis with plot.

Students have to create a regression plot, find the given small dataset, and find the mean square error and the R^2 for the same.

Regression analysis

Students have to create a regression plot for the dataset given.

Exploring Machine Learning.

Students have to create a document for the given question in the document about machine learning.

Data preprocessing

Students have to work on two datasets of Cricket information- “matches” “deliveries.” They are being asked to preprocess the data according to the information they have studied from lesson 2(NOTE- Preprocessing means dropping unwanted columns and negotiating all the null values)


Central Limit Theorem Examples

In this document, please mention 5 examples that explain Central Limit Theorem.

Let's try PMF

Find the calculate the probability of observing between 2 and 4 heads from 10 coin flips using Probability Mass Function.

Rain Expectations

Calculate the probability of observing 12 or more days of rain in the next 30 days when we expected 10 Also, calculate the probability of observing between 12 and 18 days of rain.

Rain Expectations

Calculate the probability of observing 12 or more days of rain in the next 30 days when we expected 10 Also, calculate the probability of observing between 12 and 18 days of rain.

What are your winning chances?

Find the probability that the second ball is also white given that the first ball is white.