IIT Guwahati Alcheringa


Hosted by IIT Guwahati Alcheringa


03:30 AM CUT, Sep 13, 2022


06:29 PM CUT, Nov 27, 2022


1 member



Competition has ended.

Results Announcement

Results of IIT GUWAHATI Alcheringa "Junior Code Champs" is out.


Below are the winners of respective grade groups:


Grade 1-4


Winner -  Tanish Devara

1 Runner-Up -  Daneisha Parekh

2nd Runner-Up -  Shanmukhsimha Mamidi


Grade 5-8


Winner -  Tousif Hassan

1 Runner-Up - Shaurya Vishal Mehta

2nd Runner-Up - Rishant Jasawal



Grade 9-12


Winner -  Spurti Nimbali

1 Runner-Up - Yashas Gunderia

2nd Runner-Up - Aditya Kumar


IIT Guwahati Alcheringa, in partnership with Codingal, the #1 coding platform that provides online coding classes for kids, brings you "Junior Code Champs" hackathon for Grade 1-12 students.

"Junior Code Champs" is a global online coding hackathon where students can participate individually.


So don't miss this opportunity to learn, compete, and win certificates from IIT Guwahati Alcheringa.

Important Date:

Project Submission Last Date: November 27, 2022

Themes & Projects


The competition is divided into 3 groups:


Junior Group (Grade 1-4)

Theme 1: Space Game

Project: What do you like about space? The glittering stars, the sun, the moon or anything else. Build a game with a space background using an astronaut as one of your sprites.


Platform: Use any block-based platforms such as Scratch, code.org, Thunkable


Theme 2: Storytelling


Project: Tell a story of choice. You will animate the story using images, texts, and sound effects.


Platform: Participants will be using any block-based application.



Middle Group (Grade 5-8)


Theme 1: Nobel Prize Achievers


Project; The Nobel Prize is awarded to those whose inventions or discoveries have proven great benefit to humankind. Choose any five Nobel Prize Winners and build an app or a game that showcases their achievements, the discoveries that got them the prize or any other information related to Nobel Prize Winner.


Platform: Use any block-based platforms such as Scratch, code.org, Thunkable


Theme 2: Healthy Living


Project: By eating right and being active, you can be healthy and achieve your dreams. Build an innovative app or a game with useful information on the importance of healthy living and various daily practices one should adopt.


Platform: Use any block-based platforms such as Scratch, code.org, Thunkable


Senior Group (Grade 9-12)


Theme 1: Sustainable Development


Project: Pick a topic/subject from 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and build an app that helps us achieve one of these goals.


Platform - Use any block-based or text-based application.


Theme 2: Fitness Tracker


Project: Build an innovative app that can track your runs, hikes, walks, or just about any physical activity in real-time. You can set fitness goals or just let the app nudge you to get more active if you have been sitting around for a long time.


Platform: Use any block-based or text-based application and build a project by choosing a theme that interests you.


Top 3 from each grade group will receive Certificate of Recognition from IIT Guwahati Alcheringa


All participants submitting projects will receive Certificate of Participation from IIT Guwahati Alcheringa


All Winners & Participants will get scholarships on coding courses from Codingal *


How to register for the competition?


  1. Click on the "Register & Start" button.
  2. Input your mobile number.
  3. Enter the information in the registration form.
  4. Click on the "Submit" button. You are registered for the competition.


How to Submit your Project?


  1. Once you have registered and finished your project, Go to the "Junior Code Champs" page on the Codingal website.
  2. Click "Register & Start" and input your mobile number
  3. Click on "Submit Project" and fill in the below information:


  • Select your Group* Junior/Middle/Senior (Grade 1-4/5-8/9-12)
  • Select your Theme* 
  • Project Name*  (Any name of your choice for your project)
  • Development Platform* (Eg- Scratch, Thunkable, Repl, etc.)
  • Project Description* (Tell us something about your project in a few lines)
  • Project Link (Paste the Link of your project)
  • Upload Project File (Only If Applicable and it should not be more than 50 MB)
  • Upload zip file of screenshots/images of the app/website (Only If Applicable and it should not be more than 50 MB)
  • Upload zip file of screenshots/images of source code of the app/website (Only If Applicable and it should not be more than 50 MB)


       4. Click "Submit" & you are done.


* Mandotory fields to fill


Is this competition online?
Yes, this competition is 100% online. The contestant can work on their project at any place and time as long as they have access to a computer/laptop and an internet connection.


How much does it cost to enter this competition?
There is no registration fee to participate in the competition.


Can I submit projects late?
Unfortunately, we do not accept any late projects. All projects must be submitted by the project submission deadline.


What if I forget my registered mobile number while submitting the project?
In case, you forget your registered mobile number, you will have to re-register for the competition before submitting the project.


I entered the wrong information in one of the form fields while submitting my project.
If you have entered the wrong information in one of the form fields, refresh the page before clicking on the "Submit Project" button at the bottom of the form


Will the old project consider for evaluation?
No, An old or previous project will not be considered for evaluation.


Can I submit more than one project?
No. You can submit only one project per competition.


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