IIT Roorkee Young Coders Hackathon
IIT Roorkee E-SUMMIT '22

IIT Roorkee Young Coders Hackathon

Hosted by IIT Roorkee E-SUMMIT '22


07:30 AM CUT, Jan 17, 2022


06:29 PM CUT, Mar 20, 2022


1 member



Competition has ended.

Winners Announcement

The winners of IIT Roorkee E-Summit Young Coders Hackathon are


GRADE 1-4 


Winner - Rhidam Kunjesh Sarade, Delhi Public School, Hyderabad

1st Runner up - Namish Naveen Modi, Delhi Public School, Hyderabad

2nd Runner up - Kavish Deorari, Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar, Indore


GRADE 5-8 


Winner - Aarav Chopra, Venkateshwar International School, Dwarka, New Delhi

1st Runner up - Ananya S Krishna, Delhi Public School, Hyderabad

2nd Runner up - Pranava, DAV, Delhi


GRADE 9-12


Winner - Gaurav, GD Goenka Public School Model Town, New Delhi

1st Runner up - Amaan Ram, New Era Senior Secondary School, Vadodra

2nd Runner up - Raunak Singh, Ryan International School, Bangalore


Congratulations to all Winners and best of luck to other participants.


Hackathons are a great way to enhance your coding skills and proficiency. They offer hands-on learning and let you apply your computer science learning, ideas, and creativity. Here is an opportunity to improve your coding skills and compete with the best coders out there!
IIT Roorkee E-Summit 22, in partnership with Codingal, the #1 coding platform that provides online coding classes for kids, brings you the Young Coders Hackathon for Grade 1-12 students.
Young Coders Hackathon is an online competition where students can participate individually. So don't miss out on this opportunity to learn, compete, and win certificates from IIT Roorkee.


Important Date:

Project Submission Last Date: March 20, 2022

Themes & Projects


Format & Project


The competition is divided into three groups:


Junior Group (Grade 1 to 4)


Theme: Game Development


Project: Build a game by choosing your favourite Marvel character using animation, sound, and effects


Platform: You can use block-based programming platforms such as Scratch, Thunkable, or Code.org



Middle Group (Grade 5 to 8)


Theme: App Development


Project: Build an innovative quiz/flashcard app with questions and answer options. The quiz format can be pictorial or audio/visual, i.e. the questions and answers can contain pictures, audio, etc.

The quiz topics should be around STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). 


Platform: You can use block-based programming platforms such as Scratch, Thunkable, Code.org, or any text-based programming such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript.



Senior Group (Grade 9 to 12)


Theme: Web Development


Project: Build a website around the future world. Imagine how the world will look and change in the future given the increasing development in science and technology.


Platform: You can use block-based programming platforms such as Scratch, Thunkable, Code.org, or any text-based programming platforms such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript.


Evaluation Criteria


How to register for the competition?


  1. Click on the "Register & Start" button.
  2. Input your mobile number.
  3. Enter the information in the registration form.
  4. Verify your mobile number through the OTP received on SMS.
  5. Click on the "Submit" button. You are registered for the competition.


How to Submit your Project?


  1. Once you have registered and finished your project, Go to the "Young Coders Hackathon" page on the Codingal website.
  2. Click "Register & Start" and input your mobile number & OTP number received on SMS
  3. Click on "Submit Project" and fill in the below information:


  • Select your Group* (Junior/Middle/Senior)
  • Select your Theme* 
  • Project Name*  (Any name of your choice for your project)
  • Development Platform* (Eg- Scratch, Thunkable, Repl, etc.)
  • Project Description* (Tell us something about your project)
  • Project Link (Share the Link of your project)
  • Upload Project File (Only If Applicable)
  • Upload zip file of screenshots/images of the app/website (Only If Applicable - and it should not be more than 50 MB)
  • Upload zip file of screenshots/images of source code of the app/website (Only If Applicable - and it should not be more than 50 MB)


       4. Click "Submit" & you are done.


  1. Why do I need to register using a mobile number?
    You are required to register via a mobile number as it is the primary source of identification for registration and project submission.
  2. Is this competition online?
    Yes, this competition is 100% online. The contestant can work on their project at any place and time as long as they have access to a computer/laptop and an internet connection.
  3. How much does it cost to enter into this competition?
    There is no registration fee to participate in the competition.
  4. Can I submit projects late?
    Unfortunately, we do not accept any late projects. All projects must be submitted by the project submission deadline.
  5. What if I forget my registered mobile number while submitting the project?
    In case, you forget your registered mobile number, you will have to re-register for the competition before submitting the project
  6. I have entered the wrong information in one of the form fields while submitting my project.
    If you have entered the wrong information in one of the form fields, refresh the page before clicking on the "Submit Project" button at the bottom of the form
  7. Will the old project consider for evaluation?
    No, any old or previous project will not be considered for evaluation.
  8. Can I submit more than one project?
    No. You can submit only one project per competition.


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