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Hosted by: IIT Kanpur Antargani
Hosted by: Dr Kalmadi Shamarao Primary School, Pune
You have to create three tables- Salesman, Customer, and Orders and have to perform these queries: 1. Write a query to find customers with their names, salesmen with their names, and city that lives in the same city. 2. Find the names of all customers along with the salesmen who work for them 3. Display all those orders by the customers not located in the same cities where their salesmen live. 4. Find out each order number followed by the name of the customers who made the order. 5. Sort out the customer and their grade who made an order. Each customer must have a grade and serve by at least a salesman who belongs to a city. 6. Write a query which produces customers with their: name, city, commission, and salesman, who served by a salesman and salesman works at a rate of the commission within 12% to 14%, respectively. 7. Write the query which Produces all orders with the order number, customer name, commission rate & earned commission amount for the customers who carry their grade is 200 or more and are served by an existing salesman. 8. Display all customers with orders on October 5, 2012.